Message from ICSE

Dear friends,


In the middle of this difficulty of fight against COVID-19, it is the most important thing for each one of us to keep collecting the right and objective information, think with clear eyes, and act rationally. Let us share some information for reference to make a decision, which are provided by reliable agencies and institutions.



Thank you for these information:

Welcome to ICSE Home Page

International Center for Social Entrepreneurship (ICSE) was founded in March, 2010 for the goal of supporting those individuals who wish to contribute to solving social issues through social innovations. ICSE is a spin-off of the Social Entrepreneurship Program at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), which had been implemented from April of 2006 to March of 2010.


The “Social Innovation” is the introduction of new concepts, methods, and structures to address social problems such as poverty, unemployment, human rights, and environmental problems. Those leaders of these activities are called “Social Entrepreneurs”. We, ICSE, will support “Social Entrepreneurs”.

Happy New Year

We are planning a new program in this year.

A new program will be open ian a few days.

The information of Business Plan Clininc
20140927Clinic_flier_English Ver1.pdf
PDFファイル 294.4 KB

The third Gathering September 18(Thurs)18:30-20:45

Dr. Makoto Kimura Speech "Repairing Roads to let local people have a motivation

ICSE-Gathering Sept 18 (Thurs).pdf
PDFファイル 323.1 KB

Orientation for ICSE Social Design Innovation Plan Competition 2014

Competition 2014 Application Guide
ICSE Guidance20140710.pptx
Microsoft Power Point プレゼンテーション 364.7 KB
2014 competition Entry until October 27
Entry Sheet.xlsx
Microsoft Excel 10.0 KB

The orientation was finished. Thank you for joining to the meeting in spite of Typhoon coming.

Mr.Morimoto who is a leadind person about instructin Business Plan had a impresssive speech, "How to Build Successful Social Enterprise".

Please check his three PDF slides bellow.

And in the near future, we will edit his speech videotape. 

How to Build Successful Social Enterpris
PDFファイル 3.0 MB
ICSE will have the Business Plan Competiton on Nov. 15, 2014.
We recommend you to make a business plan in reference to this template.
And we will have the business plan clinic on Sep. 27 and Oct. 4, in the Saturday afternoon at Room 711 of West Build.No.9 in Titech Ookayama Campus.
Business Plan Presentation Sample Templa
PDFファイル 746.1 KB
BOP Business Examples.pdf
PDFファイル 1.6 MB

Members to join to the gathering

after Mr.Morimoto Speech.

Students from Jamaica, Mongolia and Thailand

Japanese students and professionals

ICSE Gathering 2014 - 2nd session ( Thu Jun 19 18:30 〜 20:45)

Please see here for event details and registration. ( Powered by Doorkeeper )


A happy New Year

We had the first meeting on January 16.

We will have Social Business Competition as well as last year, and have two type meetings .

1. ICSE-Meeting---ICSE Management Team and New comers discuss Social Problems.

2. ICSE-Gathering---We welcome everyone to discuss solutions for Social Problems.