ICSE is a nonprofit dedicated to contributing to development of a sustainable society where everyone around the world can work and live together.


To achieve our vision, ICSE works to provide supports to potential social entrepreneurs with new ideas, passion and action to solve social issues. ICSE provides positive help particularly to social entrepreneurs tackling serious social problems on poverty, employment, environment, health, education and so forth.

About Our Logo

A swallow with two legs wearing a tie---the logo may seem peculiar at first glance. But it is a symbol of our passion and hope, created by a designer IAN, who is known as the art director of The Animal Conference on the Environment.

He explains the passion and hope embodied in the logo as follows:


"Although a bird(swallow) is the motif of the logo, the bird-shaped design on the left is not a bird. In fact, the logo represents a bionic man, or a bird man, that has the following traits: the energy symbolized by the swallow to act swiftly, a broad perspective and insight to see the world globally, and leadership symbolized by the necktie to be engaged in tough negotiations. Fixing his eyes on the letter ICSE of the logo, the bird man focuses on and has hopes for ICSE activities. His eyes hint that ICSE will have a positive impact on the society."


Also he adds,


"Instead of being bionic man or superman, that can solve problems single-handed, we, who are involved in ICSE activities, should be bionic men or supermen that can think and act from a high perspective."


For more information about IAN, please refer information below.

We appreciate his contributions.


IAN, Art Director

NURUE Design Institute
